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Louisiana's Cajun Bayou Remembers Hurricane Ida - One Year Later

Louisiana's Cajun Bayou Remembers Hurricane Ida - One Year Later

Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou has seen its fair share of challenges over the past two years. As all of our hotels, restaurants, attractions and events grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic and the ever-changing path forward, Lafourche Parish was dealt a devastating Category 4 blow on August 29, 2021.

Hurricane Ida, the second-most damaging and intense hurricane to ever hit the state of Louisiana, made landfall near Port Fourchon on the 29th and quickly made its way up Bayou Lafourche. The destruction left in its wake was nothing short of catastrophic. The aftermath has been felt by every single resident of our beloved parish, with towns down the bayou being some of the hardest hit.

However, the story does not end there. You see, Cajuns are no strangers to adversity. Some of the first settlers along the bayou, the Acadians, faced severe uncertainty and challenging times. That same strength, grit, and determination has been passed down for generations. It shined brightly the morning of August 30th, the day after landfall, as neighbors helped neighbors, communities helped communities, and friends from around the country rushed to our aid.
As our residents emerged to begin picking up the pieces of their lives, what we saw was not shattered windows, splintered trees and destroyed homes. It was people opening their homes to those without one, community organizations distributing critical aid to families that didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, and business owners giving away whatever they could to aid the cause. In the hot, humid days that followed, the words “how can I help” echoed off the banks of the bayou.

As the weeks grew into months, things began to get better. Debris was cleaned up, supplies distributed, roofs tarped and lights turned back on. Hotels – even though many were running on generators with damage of their own – manned their front desks and housed linemen, work crews and those in need of shelter. Our restaurants continued to serve hot meals to workers and first responders… day in and day out. Our own tourism team did not stop working one day, even though Ida destroyed our visitor center and offices. Everyone selflessly did their part to begin putting our destination back together. Along the way, we collectively showed the world what it truly means to be Cajun.
One year later, here we are. Our doors are back open, the tables are set, the beds are made and our lively festivals have returned. We are welcoming visitors back to experience our unapologetically Cajun culture once again. Even though there is a still a long way to go, we have come so very far over the course of one year. We would not be where we are today if it were not for our residents, government officials, community organizations, volunteers, linemen and those who came from far and wide to help us put the pieces back together.

We invite you to come be part of our continued recovery. Come stay awhile at one of our local hotels or B&B’s, taste authentic Cajun cooking at our family-owned restaurants, take a ride into our unspoiled swamps, or party like a local at one of our many festivals and events. We often say that the Bayou Life isn’t for anyone … it’s for everyone. And we mean it. There is truly no other place like Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou in Lafourche Parish. We can’t wait to welcome you to our incredibly resilient family.

Louisiana's Cajun Bayou Hosts Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association

Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Hosts

Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association Conference

Raceland, Louisiana (August 8, 2022) – Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism is pleased to announce that Thibodaux welcomed the 2022 Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association (LOWA) conference August 5-7, 2022. The conference brought an assemblage of lifetime anglers, hunters, environmentalists, tour operators, and radio and television broadcasters who share a common love ... the great outdoors!

Thibodaux Voted One of the Best Small Town Food Scenes by USA Today 10Best

Thibodaux Voted One of the Best Small Town Food Scenes by USA Today 10Best

Raceland, Louisiana (June 17, 2022) – When people think of America’s great food cities, New Orleans often tops the list. But it’s not just big cities that know their way around a menu. Plenty of small towns are noted for their food scenes, too … but only one in Louisiana! For the third year in a row, Thibodaux – a tiny town located about 45 minutes outside of New Orleans, in Lafourche Parish – has once again been ranked one of the country’s best small town food scenes by USA Today 10Best.

New Tourism Campaign Focuses on Lafourche Parish Culinary Scene by Saying: "You Gotta Try This!"


Raceland, Louisiana (April 21, 2022) – Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou, the destination marketing organization for Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, unveiled on Thursday a new tourism campaign focused on promoting the region’s unique, authentic and delicious culinary scene.

Louisiana Travel Association Honors Louisiana's Cajun Bayou Tourism & President & CEO, Cody A. Gray, as 2022 Louey Award Winners


Raceland, LA (Feb. 7, 2022) – The Louisiana Travel Association (LTA) introduced Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism as the winner of the 2022 Louey Award for Convention & Visitors Bureau of the Year (budget from $500,000 - $999,999) during its Annual Meeting last week in Alexandria, LA.

In addition, President & CEO of Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou, Cody A. Gray, received the 2022 Louey Award for Rising Star of the Year.

Cody Gray, Tourism Director for Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou, Assumes Two New Leadership Roles in State Tourism Industry

Cody Gray, Tourism Director for Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou,
Assumes Two New Leadership Roles in State Tourism Industry

Raceland, Louisiana (January 6, 2022) – Cody Gray, President and CEO of Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism, Lafourche Parish’s destination marketing organization, has been appointed to the board of directors for both the Louisiana Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus (LACVB) and the Louisiana Travel Association (LTA). These are separate organizations, separate roles and separate appointments, but the fact that Gray’s terms will begin at roughly the same time – this month with the LACVB and in February for the LTA – is testament to the fact that Lafourche Parish’s tourism director is making his mark on the state’s tourism industry … and shining a bright spotlight on Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou in the process.

On January 1, Gray began his one-year term as Secretary of the LACVB, which is comprised of tourism offices from all over the state. He’ll then rotate through the various board positions for the next few years before becoming the group’s chair. Meetings take place throughout the year and all over the state, meaning that Gray will be able to assess the role of tourism in other parishes across Louisiana and learn best practices while educating his peers about the economic impact tourism has on Lafourche Parish.

Our Town That's Small Has It...All!

Thibodaux Named One of the Country’s Coolest Small Towns and One of the Best Small Town Food Scenes.

Raceland, Louisiana (December 2, 2021) – Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism acknowledges that Thibodaux is a small town, but we’re pleased to share the news that our parish seat received two BIG national honors last month. In early November, USA Today 10Best announced that Thibodaux offers the #2-ranked Best Small Town Food Scene anywhere in the United States, thanks in great part to our flourishing Cajun Bayou Food Trail.

This was a Reader’s Choice Award contest, in which the website’s readers – averaging about 5 million per month – vote for their favorite nominees in each category. After four weeks, the votes were tallied and the results are in: Thibodaux (officially) has an amazing food scene. Of course, we knew that already … but now millions of potential visitors from around the country know it, too! We couldn’t have done it without everyone who voted for Thibodaux and, more importantly, all the chefs and restaurants that contribute to our unique food culture here in Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou.

Louisiana Parishes Aim to Score with #ExploreMore

Louisiana Parishes Aim to Score with #ExploreMore

Lafourche and Tangipahoa Tourism Offices Unite for Their Respective Home Teams

Raceland, Louisiana (November 17, 2021)
 – Louisiana’s Cajun Bayou Tourism and Tangipahoa Tourism have reignited a joint tourism initiative in an effort to get residents and fans of each parish to #ExploreMore. The initiative first came to fruition at the end of 2019 and now -- two years later – it’s back and better than ever.

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